Internet technologies in education are now used at various levels. This applies not only to higher education institutions, but also to schools, as well as home education.
It is impossible to overestimate the benefits of this phenomenon, because such technologies allow you to take a fresh look at the entire system, make it much more comfortable and pleasant, and the learning process itself will be more effective.
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Opportunities Given by Modern Technologies in Education
Automate the learning process, namely systematize everything and allow you to complete tasks as quickly and easily as possible.
To improve the level of knowledge and the quality of teaching. This became possible due to the fact that all the necessary materials are freely available. You can teach not only through stories, but also through special presentations, audio and video tutorials that greatly facilitate the learning process.
The possibility of distance learning. This becomes possible due to the fact that communication via Skype or other resources helps to conduct lessons even without personal contact with the teacher’s student; moreover, there is a huge variety of aids for self-education. Distant learning comes with its difficulties and drawbacks, especially in pandemic, as students don’t have access to all the needed facilities and are also not used to studying online all the time. If you experience troubles with your writing academic assignments, address a professional essay service, such as Smart Writing Service for academic writing help. Here, you will get online assistance with more than 80 disciplines and with papers of any complexity. Entrust expert writers with your homework assignment and spend time on something you find more valuable right now.
Automation: A Proven Key to a Better Modern Education
It is thanks to the fact that automation has become possible that the education process is now much faster, simpler and more systematized. It has become much easier to check work, especially tests: they can simply be run through special programs, and the assessment will definitely be accurate and completely unbiased.
It is also worth paying attention to the convenience of preparation – all materials can be correctly and beautifully sorted, as well as presented in a form that is convenient and understandable to each student. Some materials are already presented in the form of applications in advance, and work is carried out on a computer, where questions are automatically asked, answers are checked, and information is provided.
Of course, this is not a way to replace classical teaching with a personal teacher-student relationship, but a great addition to the lessons.
Only with the advent of modern Internet technologies has it become possible to study at a completely new quality level. Now the tutorials are not just maps and pictures on the board, but a variety of films, presentations, and many other projects that support audio and video.
It is worth noting that for children in schools, such aid makes it easy and simple to awaken interest in learning. Internet technologies in education now allow learning at any distance. This has become a real boon for many people. First of all, this saves a huge amount of time, and one cannot fail to note the comfort and convenience of such a system. Finally, for some groups of the population this is the only chance to get an education, for example, we are talking about people with disabilities who cannot attend regular educational institutions.
It is also impossible not to note that distance learning allows you to constantly improve your qualifications, to graduate from really the best educational institutions, even if there is no possibility of moving.
Technologies Make Education Less Discriminative… Or Not?
Self-education is becoming a new paradigm for the modern lifestyle. The popularity of MOOCs, webinars and the same Wikipedia demonstrates an important trend that is growing like a snowball every year. Learning is no longer the prerogative of young people – it is relevant to everyone and always. The pace of development of science and implementation of innovations leaves no other choice. To remain an expert in your field, not to lose your competitive advantage and keep up with the development of technology, you need to be on the lookout and understand where to look for new knowledge. The field of education is becoming all-age, and the term “eternal student” no longer seems so offensive.
The expanded opportunities for self-education and distance learning technologies are fundamentally changing the structure of consumption and transfer of knowledge. They require the emergence of a new type of teachers who are able to work remotely, “feel” the student without direct contact, use the entire palette of multimedia content and create courses with the highest possible indicators on the time / quality scale. Today, the lack of such professionals is especially acute in popular online courses, when the technology for broadcasting material is new, and the content and presentation style are borrowed from the 20th century. The teacher of the future knows how to do both correctly.
It would not be realistic if we have just described what is good about technologies taking over the educational process. There are drawbacks and we feel it is equally important to talk about them. First of all, it is true that the amount of technologies that help with education increases. But at the same time the amount of technologies that distract students from studies increases just with the same speed or even faster. Students have endless opportunities to spend fun time online without thinking about their studies.
Another issue related to technology is equality. At first glance it seems that with access to better teachers world wide online education gets less dependent on a class, place of living, race, etc. At the same time, top schools and students from the upper class, living in more prosperous, stable countries receive access to just incredible technologies and learn how to deal with them from early childhood. So the social disparity stays, despite the growing worldwide literacy. Students who have earlier access to technologies in education are more likely to ace STEM related professions — the most popular and well-paid professions nowadays.
It doesn’t matter what we think — technologies will be evolving, and students, as well as professors, will benefit from it.
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