People are the primary resource of any company. This is what all the leading business experts keep telling us. The company’s prospects depend on the specifics of personnel interaction, relationships with business partners, and management. Influencing colleagues is the basis for successful work interaction and career development, the foundation for a comfortable and productive atmosphere.
No matter how professional a person is, if conflicted or overly withdrawn, they will be afraid to defend their point of view or, vice versa, irreconcilable to others’ opinions.
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Building a Business Reputation
Only a star expert, superior scientist, or genius can allow themselves to be problematic in communication and uncomfortable for colleagues, be marginally tolerated due to their unique creative or mental abilities. An ordinary person, who strives for professional growth, works in an organization, and has to interact with their coworkers daily, must make an effort to establish productive interaction with their environment.
Building Personal Influencing Skills
Let us take a closer look at what is needed to influence colleagues successfully.
Presentable image
A real weapon in reaching career heights! A clothing style that is neat, unique, and corresponds to corporate culture, emphasizes the appearance and masks shortcomings. A business image’s foundation includes self-confidence, the right clothes, hairstyle, well-delivered speech, a pleasant voice, gestures and postures, neatness, calm, polite, and self-sufficient behavior.
Respect to tradition
Attention should be paid not only to the corporate culture but also to the team’s standing tradition. When a person first enters a job, they should bear in mind that current employees have already formed certain habits, characteristic rituals, institutions. Established groups always contemplate newcomers closely. Do not push your opinions or start criticizing immediately. If you were flexible, over time, you could gently augment the settled proceedings.
Recognize yourself as a professional and a person. Respecting others is close to impossible without having at least a semblance of self-esteem.
People around you should behave correctly with you. They should not humiliate you – neither your bosses nor colleagues, so you need to flexibly build boundaries, be adaptive and principled at the same time. Do not forget that you can always leave a company where you do not receive due respect.
Self-presentation is the ability to submit yourself effectively in private conversation, when speaking at conferences and meetings. Expressing your thoughts clearly and competently, bringing in constructive ideas, and not being afraid to make bold assumptions is one of the most crucial communication skills! You should not be an upstart, seeking to speak out at any cost, but you should not be shy, afraid to voice your thoughts. The team will note a polite and proactive colleague. The golden mean in everything is the basis for successful self-presentation.
Ability to listen to the interlocutor attentively
This skill, while rarely exhibited, is much appreciated and very valuable.
We Can Help You to Grow
CMA Consulting is a many year’s established expert on the business training market. We are always ready to aid our customers in learning and practicing the skills of effective communication. Our training courses will help you grow both as a person and as a professional.
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